ERTC - Environmentally Responsible Transportation Center for Communities of Concern Environmentally Responsible
Transportation Center for
Communities of Concern

Research Project:
Year 3 Request For Proposal


2025 – 2026 Request for Proposals

The Environmentally Responsible Transportation Center for Communities of Concern (ERTC3) is soliciting proposals for projects to be funded in the 2025 – 2026 funding cycle between 6/1/2025 and 5/31/2026.  ERTC3 is a Tier 1 University Transportation Centers (UTC) funded by the US DOT to address statutory research priority area of preserving the environment.  Proposed research projects should address partially or completely at least one of the center’s three research thrust areas listed below:

  1. Environmental Analysis – Measure, monitor, model transportation related environmental pollution in air, soil, and water. Develop tools that will support evidence-based decision making at transportation agencies regarding the environmental effects of projects.
  2. Environmental Justice – Assess disproportionate impacts of transportation related pollution on minority (communities of color, elderly, people with disabilities) and low-income populations. 
  3. Environmental Mitigation – Reduce exposure to transportation related pollution through sustainable and resilient construction materials, practices, and innovative technologies.

In addition to research proposals, Workforce Development (Education) and Technology Transfer proposals related to the three listed thrust areas will be considered for funding. Proposals must be submitted to by February 28th at 5PM CST to be considered. It is strongly recommended that you contact your site director with your proposal before you officially submit it. 

Researchers can find the appropriate RFP template, correct appendixes, and budget sheet here. 

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