ERTC - Environmentally Responsible Transportation Center for Communities of Concern Environmentally Responsible
Transportation Center for
Communities of Concern

Research Project:
Transit Equity Rx: Public Transit Bridges the Gap between Healthcare Access and Disadvantaged Communities (active)

University: Texas State University

Principal Investigator(s): Tiankai Wang

Project Description:

The importance of social equity in healthcare accessibility cannot be overstated. Disparities in health outcomes often occur among residents with different levels of access to healthcare, and spatial patterns of illness have been known to be associated with the distribution of healthcare. A key component for achieving social equity in healthcare access is equitable access to healthcare through public transit, as public transit serves a disproportionately higher percentage of low-income individuals, people with disabilities, minorities, and older adults. Extant studies on public transit are inchoate in two approaches. First, research on the spatial structure is only done in a few geographic areas, such as Chicago and Minnesota. Second, various approaches, spanning from the simple distance metric to one with multiple catchment areas, have been used to measure accessibility. There is no unanimous agreement on how to evaluate public transit accessibility. This project aims to investigate how residents who live in disadvantaged communities utilize public transit systems to reach healthcare facilities.

US DOT Priorities: 

This research project directly supports the USDOT strategic goals of Equity and Preserving the Environment and Climate, and Sustainability by addressing transportation-related disparities in healthcare access for disadvantaged communities in Austin, TX. The project identifies existing inequities in transportation access and aims to rectify them by promoting safe, affordable, and accessible multimodal transportation options for all residents, regardless of socioeconomic status or geographic location. In addition, the project aligns with USDOT priorities by promoting sustainable transportation solutions that reduce environmental impacts. By encouraging the use of public transit and active transportation, the project emphasizes the importance of cleaner, more efficient systems that lower emissions and pollution, thereby contributing to healthier environments. These efforts not only address disparities in healthcare access but also ensure that all residents have access to eco-friendly transportation, fostering a more sustainable and equitable transportation system.


After completing the proposed project, we will deliver an evaluation of public transit in Austin, TX by measuring the distance/transit time between healthcare facilities and public transit stations and quantifying the percentage of area in disadvantaged communities covered by the walkable distance from public transit stations.

Figure 1. Public transit lines and stops in Austin and surrounding areas


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